Excellence is your birthright, claim it !!!
Too many people get to valley of low self-esteem when they fail.
Too many people play their game of comfort zones due to fear of failure.
People are too busy to understand different dimensions of beautiful life and go on steroids of achievement, creating wealth not even listening to life's song, looking at their inner world; too busy to enjoy the smile of the child, cool breeze, creepers in garden, singing birds.
People are too emotional even to understand the fact that there are no such things as success and failure unless we create.
Be it exams, interview, setting up business, developing teams, building organisations, if you achieve your goal, you call it SUCCESS, if you don't, you call it FAILURE. From an empowering level of understanding, your "success" and "failure" are just the names that you give to your RESULTS. If your efforts are in line with your goals, you can produce the results you want. So don't worry too much about results you get by naming SUCCESS or FAILURE. Operate a level beyond success and failure, that is EXCELLENCE. When you operate at level of excellence, if you don't get results you want, you just understand and change the efforts to achieve next time.
Too many people play their game of comfort zones due to fear of failure.
People are too busy to understand different dimensions of beautiful life and go on steroids of achievement, creating wealth not even listening to life's song, looking at their inner world; too busy to enjoy the smile of the child, cool breeze, creepers in garden, singing birds.
People are too emotional even to understand the fact that there are no such things as success and failure unless we create.
Be it exams, interview, setting up business, developing teams, building organisations, if you achieve your goal, you call it SUCCESS, if you don't, you call it FAILURE. From an empowering level of understanding, your "success" and "failure" are just the names that you give to your RESULTS. If your efforts are in line with your goals, you can produce the results you want. So don't worry too much about results you get by naming SUCCESS or FAILURE. Operate a level beyond success and failure, that is EXCELLENCE. When you operate at level of excellence, if you don't get results you want, you just understand and change the efforts to achieve next time.
Do a small exercise breath in once deeply, inhale....its success, exhale...breath out slowly...its failure, again inhale....exhale....inhale again...exhale.....fine. Now again, you want more success try inhale ....inhale....inhale....aaahhhhh. Even though, inhaling is important, it's hard to breath in consistently, in fact we should not. In similar way, success and failure; light and darkness, day and night all these are not two different things they are mutually appreciating wonderful symphony and one element. So operate a level of symphony in your life instead of expecting only success, only positive. Get your mind and body become the best when you face challenges, get your thinking elaborate when you challenged by a task, get your productivity improve when there are more hurdles. In this way you can introduce the best of you. Diamonds are formed under heightened pressure. Remember to the best friends who can teach everything that is needed for life excellence. "Those who can take intelligent action progressively with more balance and joy when they meet great friends, become the leaders of their life. Those great friends are failure, challenge, criticism, frustration, and depression. When you also meet these friends, to TAKE INTELLIGENT ACTION PROGRESSIVELY WITH MORE BALANCE AND JOY.
Look at history, Mahathma Gandhi was thrown out of train, he took a progressive and balanced action gracefully to bring independence to India without violence. People laughed at Mother Theresa, she decided to love those sick and orphans with most humble and celebrating way. One women suffered marital life, didn't have money to bring up her child, sat in coffee shop to write her piece for children, created a history to serve all children around the world through Harry Potter series. Hats off to J. K. Rowling.

Find your passion, live in excellence !!!