Dear Friends,
give yourself the most wonderful summer gift ever, participate in exciting 30- Day Personal Excellence Challenge that accelerates your life from where you are to what you always wanted to become. No matter what results that you want to produce, developing healthy food habits, getting your body fitness, managing your emotions, nurturing your relationships, taking your career to the next level, running your own business, double your income, improve your productivity, spending your quality time with your children and family; through systematic approach we take up to achieve your most important goals, we live proven excellence principles.
Prioritize most
important three goals
out of your six goals mentioned. By reading your goals, you must feel to take
action with lots of love. Your goals should be powerful to bring your inner
energies out. Remember world famous
personal coaches say there are no such people called lazy people, there are
only people who don’t have potential, powerful goals.
up early morning one hour early every day. If you are getting up at 7 am now,
get up at 6 am starting the first day of your challenge. This adds 7 hours a
week, which is almost an additional working day, if you can make use of this
wonderful 7 hours.
Find your passion, live in excellence.

for Challenge:
- To
make changes in life, we must change our thoughts, beliefs, actions, the
language that use in describing our situations in life, planning or
strategy, attitude towards ourselves, people around you and life
- We think change is very common and we changed from childhood to adolescence and then become adults. Remember, change is automatic but constructive progressive with harmony in mind and body is not automatic. Change is automatic but progress with much symphony between your inner world and outer world is not automatic. It only happens only through consistent, constant, constructive disciplines. We must take those disciplines at psychological level and physiological levels through your commitment to your life.
- Take commitment to do these exercises for next thirty days (30-Day Personal Excellence Challenge). Without discipline of commitment to produce the results you want, you cannot make specific, measurable changes in your life. So practice these tips, exercises, activities for 30 days without fail. If at all for any unexpected emergencies you could not make it. Don't feel guilty, instead start the next day comfortably and continue. Get your family members or friends notified about your 30 day challenge so that they also can join with you along this wonderful journey.
- There
are millions of living being on this planet. Out of that an approximate
711 crores of the population are
human beings in this world. You are ONLY ONE among those crores of people.
It clearly indicates that you were born for a purpose. You were born to
create, to contribute, to serve, to make a difference in this wonderful
world through your UNIQUE contribution, service or life work. As mentioned
in this blog earlier, Excellence is
your birth right, claim it now. What level you want to operate your
life? What valuables you bring to your life work, mission and day to day activities
in life? How do you celebrate help yourself while serving this world to
make it much better than you found?
- The
level of your achievement and quality of your life is determined by what
you think and what you do. The destination of your life is based on the
disciplines that you practice day to day with your body and mind. Your
thoughts today determine your life tomorrow. Why don’t you have an empowering thought? TAKE 100% RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR
LIFE. Stop playing the blame game. The most worst thing that can
happen in your life is to blaming and complaining on others for not able to producing your results. Your
life itself is a great happening, and most important for you. If you
really want to make a wonderful life, design as you want instead waiting
for someone to make it.
Oath for
personal excellence challenge: I take 100 % responsibility for my
life. Whatever happened, happening and will happen in my life, is that what I
attracted to my life by myself. I am committed to take 100% responsibility for my life. I will do 30-Day Personal Excellence
Challenge without fail for next 30 days to improve the quality of my life.
Write down your six
most important one year goals. Write in positive statements with
specifics. What are those exciting things that should happen in next 12 months?
o I will reach at least 100 towns with my books
business by 30th April 2014
o I will maintain optimum body weight, energy level by
15th October, 2013
o I will buy a villa / independent house in Hyderabad
by 31st December, 2013
o I earn Rs 30 lakhs by 31st April, 2014

Write down your
outcomes / deliverables (in some milestones)for next three months, six
months and nine months that you must achieve in the process of achieving realising your actual goal. This strategy
with mile stones should help you breaking your 12 month goal in to small
actionable activities.
Find the
you are facing in achieving your goals. To address those challenges, what kind
of new attitude, new behaviours, new strategies that you must bring in your
schedule and into your personality? List all possible challenges and your new choices,
new strategies, new hobbies and new habits to address those challenges.
necessary things that are eating up my time and energy
I must do to reach my most important goals in my life
Write down minimum 25 things that you love yourself, feel
grateful for yourself.
This list should have things that you feel proud about yourself at present.
Starting for being born as a human being, write all things that you are
grateful for.
Do positive
visualization of your goals: Every creation in this world happens twice.
First in human mind and then in reality. So please do POSITIVE VISUALISATION as
if you are taking steps towards your goals, you are preparing and working on
your goals daily, you are meeting important people to get your work done, you
are associated with positive people and wonderful sources of information that
help you lead your life towards realising those important, powerful goals.
that you have seen a preview of achieving your goal. To make this wonderful results
manifest in your life, write down what
kind of person you should be, what kind of attitudes you need to develop, what
characters must develop, what kind of people you should surround with, who are
your role models
§ To achieve my powerful and exciting one year goals,
I will_________________
My role models
A systematic plan is almost completes
half of the execution. Now that you are ready with pre- requisite to
participate in the life changing experience, “30 Day Personal Excellence
Challenge”. My sincere and heartfelt
appreciation and congratulations for getting ready and worked till this step.
If at all for any reasons you have not done the exercises / steps discussed
till now, please take your personal note book / journal and do it now. It is not about how
you do great things; it is about how you do small things that tell who we are. This is your life and I respect your time and energy
that is put in these exercises. We also want you to get maximum results, out of
this wonderful journey. So please do the exercises that we discussed till now
and take next step.
30 – Day Personal
Excellence Challenge:

minimum 30 minutes – one hour physical exercise. Be it walking, jogging, gym,
warm up exercises. If you want to join in trainer physical fitness program ,
you can. As saying goes, if you can’t spend time for physical exercise, you
must spare time for illness. Do your workouts for minimum 30 minutes.
physical exercise. Take some gap and then do meditation. If you have put on
nice, pleasant music and do meditation. This 5000 years technique can help you
to get the best balance between among your body, mind, soul, emotions and
positive visualizations exercise on your goals. Add wonderful colours,
melodious and exciting music to your experience, feel as if you achieved. This
can be a preview and can power to manifest your goals in reality.
positive affirmations; get them printed on a chart. Paste affirmations chart on
your wall where you can see easily and read those affirmation loudly every
morning. Read within yourself. Try to contemplate those positive affirmations
during the day whenever relevant situations arise in life.
your day activities on the night before and write it down in your journal. Implement
or work on four (4) important tasks everyday in line with your powerful goals. This
helps making
Example: Making 20 sales calls, Reading books on
journalism, Studying important subjects 2 hours after school, Visiting south Indian
companies and develop relationships.
Spend at least 30 minutes reading inspiring
books, self –help books, auto biographies of successful people. If you prefer
to listen or watch, please take audio or video CDs on self help materials.
30 minutes with whom you can discuss and generate, seek feedback about your
goals. It can be friends, family members, seniors, colleagues, role-models and the mode of communication could be direct
interaction or on phone or on social networking media.
the activity you do in your life ( small things like dressing to big thing like
taking up a 50 crore project) in these 30 days, just apply ABCD technique. The
meaning of ABCD here is: A – Amazingly, B- Best, C- Creatively, D- Differently.
§ How amazingly I can do it?
§ How best I can do it?
§ How creatively I can do it?
§ How differently I can do it?
you go sleep, think about what you learned newly in the day. Convey your heartfelt thanks to your
parents for giving this wonderful life, thank your friends, family members, customers,
associates, team members and everyone in this world who made you, your life
very special. Irrespective of the evens and situations that you go through your
life, do this wonderful exercise of thanking everyone in this world. There may
be worker who took milk or who took care of plans to get you milk packet or
vegetables, thank them. Thank your body parts (head, hands , shoulders, legs,
heart, lungs, kidneys and all parts) for working so well entire day to make you
alive. Tell every part that you respect, you love and you take care of it.
doing these 10 wonderful activities mentioned earlier, please note your feelings including thoughts about constructive plans, beautiful things about life, enjoy working goals, character
building and personal and professional achievement.
Note: Friends, this is not just an article only to read, but
it is valuable information to practice. Action is real measure of excellence. Take action, make
powerful life. Please take challenge and keep sending me your thoughts and feedback on these principles in action. Share positive results that you could bring in your life.
Find your passion, live in excellence.
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