Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The Recipe for Success – The S (YES) Factor !!!

One of the most persistant questions that spirals in my mind is “What makes the difference between quality of life for different peope?” . Other questions I ask myself are: What makes a person successful? Why some people are able to create what they want in their life? Why some are just staring at what others are doing or how others are creating what is meaningful to their life?
I read books, I understood from success and failure of others and I understood from my own success and failure at some points of time. There is no miraculous difference between a beggar and Bill Gates, Mother Theresa and the maid that works in your home. I mean we all share the same body parts composed of the same kind of material, we all have the same kind of brain, we all share the same world…..but the only thing is that one should understand is that there are certain factors, beliefs, behaviours, thinking patterns that successful people have over others, that can be distilled and learned by others, those patterns can be used by every one, you can run your brain and body as successful people do and get the same results. Those beliefs, behaviours, thiking patterns, training of brain and body can be possible when you have the ‘S’ factor. This YES (S) - factor is SUCCESS FACTOR. Please understand it. 
YES - factor says that when you are clear with what you want for your life (Read my previous article) and you set your goals, believe firmly that you can achieve it. Belief provides us all the possibilities of bringing your dreams into reality. 
If you strongly believe in something that does not exist on the earth till now but you always believe that can make the difference in the quality of life of people, you can achieve it. Remember the Airplane’s history. Something that was invented by the Wright Brothers whose father said flying to the sky is a foolish thought. But the YES factor of the Wright Brothers kept them moving regardless of the human technology available  in those days and resulted in great invention that changed they way human beings move one part to other part of this world.

Exercise to develop S- Factor:
You can develop YES factor by constantly thinking about achieving your dream. When you are clear about your goal, your life, believe it’s attainment through positive self talk and imagination 10 minutes every morning right after you wake up and 10 minutes before you go to bed. This fuels your brain and body to take immediate steps towards your goals. Each day question yourself “while reaching my goal how best I can add value to process, people and product” this will connect you to a continuous learning stage.
Start practicing the powerful exercise and develop successful thinking pattern, the YES Factor, Share with others who want to change their lives. Hope this exercise helps you a lot. Please do contact us if you or your friends want any further help in developing winning edge thinking pattern in day – to - day practice. Looking forward to meeting you to share your success one day.


  1. Good Article on Power of Visualization... J Prabhakar JP

  2. Thanks dear Prabhakar. Hope you also give me feed back and comments on other articles.
