Sunday, 30 December 2012

30 Practical Tips For Making 2013 Your Best Year

Dear Friends,
Here are the 30 practical tips that can help all of you to make 2013 one of your best year in life. These are the tips followed by and worked for leaders around the world and can also work for you. Because these tips produce results you want.

  1.          Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
  2.          Keep the promises you make to others - and to yourself. 
  3.          The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first. 
  4.          Small daily improvements are the key to super long-term results. 
  5.          Stop being busy being busy. This New Year, clean out the distractions from your work+life and devote to a deep focus on the few things that matter.
  6.          In a world where technology is causing some of us to forget how to act human, become the politest person you know
  7.          Remember that all great ideas were first ridiculed. 
  8.          Remember that critics are dreamers gone scared. 
  9.          Take 60 minutes every weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days.
  10.          Don't be the richest person in the graveyard. Health is wealth. 
  11.          Hire a personal trainer to get you into the best shape of your life. Superstars focus on the value they receive versus the cost of the service.
  12.          Give your teammates, customers and family one of the greatest gifts of all: the gift of your attention (and presence).
  13.          Every morning ask yourself: "How may I best serve the most people?" 
  14.          Every night ask yourself: "What 5 good things happened to me this day?" 
  15.          Don't waste your most valuable hours (the morning) doing low value work. 
  16.          Leave every project you touch at work better than you found it. 
  17.          Your job is not just to work. Your job is to leave a trail of leaders behind you. 
  18.          A job is not "just a job". Every job is a gorgeous vehicle to express your gifts and talents - and to model exceptionalism for all around you.
  19.          Fears, if not faced become your limits. 
  20.          Say "please" and "thank you" heartfully. 
  21.          Remember the secret to happiness is doing work that matters and being an instrument of service. 
  22.          Get up at 5 am and take 60 minutes to prepare your mind, body, emotions and spirit to be remarkable during the hours that follow. Being a superstar is not the domain of the gifted but the prepared.
  23.          Write sms or love letters to your family. 
  24.          Smile at strangers. 
  25.          Drink more water. 
  26.          Keep a journal. Your life's story is worth recording. 
  27.          Do more than you're paid to do and do work that leaves your teammates breathless. 
  28.          Leave your ego at the door every morning. 
  29.          Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 little victories by the end of the year.
  30.          Life's short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average. 
    Hope these tips will be helpful for making Year 2013, your best year in the life.
    Send me your comments and responses after you start applying these tips.
    Wish you a wonderful and productive NEW YEAR 2013

10 Powerful Tips to boost your productivity

Dear Friends, Here are the 10 Powerful tips that can help you boost your productivity in this ‘electronically disturbing era’

  1.          Start your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.
  2.          Get up at 5 am.
  3.          Take one day a week as a complete recovery day. You need full recovery one day a week otherwise you'll start depleting your capabilities
  4.          Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions. Keep a "Stop Doing List".
  5.          Schedule your week on Sunday morning. Write down everyday’s plan clearly. This helps in using your time and energy for important things.
  6.          Work in various chunks of time.
  7.          Take healthy food, sleep early to get up early,drink a liter of water early every morning. Water restores energy.
  8.          Don't get disturbed with your phone, laptop or any electronic gadgets when you on work.
  9.          Invest in your professional development so you bring more value to the hours you work.
  10.          Avoid gossip and time vampires.

Stay Productive and enjoy the work!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The Recipe for Success – The S (YES) Factor !!!

One of the most persistant questions that spirals in my mind is “What makes the difference between quality of life for different peope?” . Other questions I ask myself are: What makes a person successful? Why some people are able to create what they want in their life? Why some are just staring at what others are doing or how others are creating what is meaningful to their life?
I read books, I understood from success and failure of others and I understood from my own success and failure at some points of time. There is no miraculous difference between a beggar and Bill Gates, Mother Theresa and the maid that works in your home. I mean we all share the same body parts composed of the same kind of material, we all have the same kind of brain, we all share the same world…..but the only thing is that one should understand is that there are certain factors, beliefs, behaviours, thinking patterns that successful people have over others, that can be distilled and learned by others, those patterns can be used by every one, you can run your brain and body as successful people do and get the same results. Those beliefs, behaviours, thiking patterns, training of brain and body can be possible when you have the ‘S’ factor. This YES (S) - factor is SUCCESS FACTOR. Please understand it. 
YES - factor says that when you are clear with what you want for your life (Read my previous article) and you set your goals, believe firmly that you can achieve it. Belief provides us all the possibilities of bringing your dreams into reality. 
If you strongly believe in something that does not exist on the earth till now but you always believe that can make the difference in the quality of life of people, you can achieve it. Remember the Airplane’s history. Something that was invented by the Wright Brothers whose father said flying to the sky is a foolish thought. But the YES factor of the Wright Brothers kept them moving regardless of the human technology available  in those days and resulted in great invention that changed they way human beings move one part to other part of this world.

Exercise to develop S- Factor:
You can develop YES factor by constantly thinking about achieving your dream. When you are clear about your goal, your life, believe it’s attainment through positive self talk and imagination 10 minutes every morning right after you wake up and 10 minutes before you go to bed. This fuels your brain and body to take immediate steps towards your goals. Each day question yourself “while reaching my goal how best I can add value to process, people and product” this will connect you to a continuous learning stage.
Start practicing the powerful exercise and develop successful thinking pattern, the YES Factor, Share with others who want to change their lives. Hope this exercise helps you a lot. Please do contact us if you or your friends want any further help in developing winning edge thinking pattern in day – to - day practice. Looking forward to meeting you to share your success one day.

What Do You Want From Your Life?

What do you want from your life?

Tia, my mentor Anusha's daughter
with her super vision board
Getting the right job, managing a wonderful relationship with a loved one and family members, getting admission for children to a prestigious educational institution, getting a salary increase or promotion, owning a house/apartment, ranks in entrance tests, sales of product, expanding the business, marriage of children, recovery from health problems, earning more money, making more profits, starting your own business……the list goes on and on…some of these sentences may or may not be applicable for you but you may have a new sentence to add to the list. But I repeat, what do you want from your life? It’s not that I just ask this crazy question during my workshops, I just want to understand have you ever asked your self “What I want from my life?”. Looks strange. Isn’t it? But in the process of getting answers to this question, your thoughts will help you determine what exactly you are expecting from you.
Explore yourself and your life
Ask what do you want from yourself?
List all those things that you want from yourself and from this world.
Take your journal/diary/ personal note book and pen or open your word document or take a recorder if you are comfortable with voice recording, now start writing / recording what you want in your life.
Keep writing don’t stop…write all things that you want, focus on things that you always desire to have, things that you always dreamt to work with, things that you always wanted to achieve…..don’t think about possibilities of achieving (doubts regard to your achievement), never worry about whether you know everything about that….just think and record what you want.
Start writing ....think about areas that you want to learn, think about skills that you want to improve, think about academic qualifications that you want to have on your track record, think about places in this world or out of the world that you want spend time, think about who you want to spend time with, your family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors in your community, what should be the kind of people that you always interact with, think how much money you want to earn, what type of house you want to build and how it should look, what car you want to buy, what suit you want to wear, what company you want to work or what type of company you want to create and what should be your company size, what should be the people, what do you learn to create your own career/business learning you want to do, how do you want to take care of your parents or children, what relation you and your loved one should maintain, what should be your relation to this world, think about what assets you want to obtain, think about places you want to visit and enjoy, people you want to meet and share, experiences you want to sense and adventures you desire to accomplish, emotions you always keep with you…..move on and on….record ….continue …. write …write…never stop…….. then look at things you want…….write about your body…. how you want it to be, your health, how you want to manage….your emotions, how you want to handle….impression, how you want this world should have on you....wealth, you want to create….help that you want to do anyone in this world……keep writing / recording till all your thoughts are explored ….if you want try to read/ listen what you have done and then again add anything if you want…………
My dear friends this is what you want for your life.Absolutely. Isn't it?Close your eyes for 3 min….Imagine that you have got everything in the list as you desired for a moment…how is the feeling? See as if all your thoughts become true in real world..see them as a movie or photo….listen as if your life tune is changed and you’re singing what you always want…sense/feel the things as if all things you listed are really happened ..experience it now as if it achieved….accomplished….. how is that feeling?

Yes if you do all these things in you life, you feel more satisfied …more joyful…..more contended…..feel like your enjoying true essence of life. Now check things that you already have in your life now, enjoy them…. Main essence of this exercise is that you already have a few things in your life that you most liked about, enjoy them; what you want in your life defined by your experience to this world. Imagine, if some one told us that s/he can fly 2000 years ago, we should have laughed at him/her saying don’t go crazy. But now we have 40,000 passengers per day flying in Shamshabad airport. The invention of  the airplane is a classic example of how we need not to know every step of how to achieve in order to achieve something miracle, wonderful and something that creates value to you and others in this world. If you closely observe what you have written and check them with few important aspects of your life, you can convert them as your goals…. To do list for your life. Believe me every great success starts simple. Start writing what you want. Start asking your life what it wants. 
Dream…imagine….energize….ignite thinking…..achieve success ….expect miracles in life!!! Hope this exercise helps you in exploring yourself. Please do contact me ( if you or your friends want any further assistance in setting up your goals and designing your strategy.
Looking forward to share your success story one day.

Everything In This World Happens Twice !!!

Everything in this world happens twice !!!

How we see ourself initially,
manifest in reality
Yes...every innovation...every success...every fortune ... personal or professional, everything in this world happens twice. First in the mind of the human being... and next in the real world. This is the universal principle.
Imagine some thousands of years ago if someone would have told you that we would be able to fly in the air, how would you have responded?. But now, the reality is many countries are trying to get to Moon and different places in the galaxy. That means if you are creative enough to imagine, if your thoughts are focused on one goal (setting goal), develop a plan to achieve it (strategy) keep adopting needs based changes (flexibility), check with ecosystem (adding value to you and others in the world) you will find the can design your your career....create your own world.
So the key is if you want be successful in this world in any aspect of your life, first imagine that you have already achieved it, talk as you are already enjoying it within the limitations, resources and enjoy the process of achieving it. It's not only the end product that brings happiness, it’s the journey.....process and consistent efforts that one can enjoy !!!
Hope great things born in your mind and manifest in this world that kind add value to human existance.

Live Fully In This Moment !!!

Monday, 17 December 2012

If It's My Last Day...What Great Things I Do Now?

Fail Effectively To Achieve Excellence Faster

Celebrating Challenges !!!

Power of Flexibility in Thoughts, Actions & Communication

Lead your life in line with your values

Age 15, Goals 127: A True Life Journey

Take Action to Achieve Your Goals

The Power of Goal Setting

Empowering Information Enables Excellence !!!

Your thoughts about yourself defines your excellence !!!

Your thoughts about yourself defines your excellence

One Question Can Change Your Life !!!

One Question Can Change Your Life !!!

The Seven Steps To Excellence

Empowering Thoughts for Excellence

Empowering Thoughts for Excellence

Your Beliefs Create Your Excellence

The Ultimate Success Formula

Focus Your Ultimate Power

Focus Your Ultimate Power

New Life: First Step towards Personal Excellence

New Life: First Step towards Personal Excellence, Psychology Today (Telugu Magazine), December 2010