Take your life to the most miraculous journey you would ever imagine. Get the more done in less time. Movers and shakers of this world, innovators, leaders, the legend performers of the world, you and me all are having the same number of hours per day. World class productivity is available for all of us. We just need to take time to make choices, the actions that lead us to ultimate productivity level.
Here are the 10 simple yet powerful practices of most of people with great productivity. Follow these 10 fundamental steps to unleash the power and productivity in you, add more value to your hours and life.
1. Get up early. Really , it's a wonderful technique to follow. If you wake up one hour early in the morning, you can almost enjoy one additional working day in a week. Imagine, how your life would transform if you can add at least six working hours a week? Join those people who enjoy the fresh breath, wonderful sunny morning and do the fantastic work on most important aspects of the life. This habit not only add time but also energizes your mind and body.
2. Do physical exercise. Be it walking, jogging, running, swimming, going to gym, asanas or any other form of exercise, do it regularly at least for 30 minutes. Movement of body bring moments of celebration for mind, when you do at right time in right manner. Exercise not only brings fitness and physical health, but also helps in better metabolism and relaxes your mind. How would you feel if you are totally healthy, happy, vibrant and energetic? The way you start your day defines the way you shape your future.
3. Positive visualization and affirmations: Your mind will take most of information through sounds and images. Most of these impressions impact your mind and life subconsciously. So write down your important goals as if you are achieving them in simple sentences in positive frame and read (loudly or silently) each statement five times every morning and contemplate those thoughts during the day at least for five times. You can develop such affirmations on whatever result you would like to produce in your life.

Sit comfortably in a chair or on floor closing your eyes. Take five slow long breaths observing the inflow and out flow of your breath. Imagine your efforts and goals as if you have already achieved. Your mind take this as if it is really happening and can't make any difference between visualization and reality. This visualization subconsciously helps in manifesting what you want because the mind is frequently exposed to those images of expected results.
4. Set five goals daily. Every day set at least five goals in line with your monthly and yearly goals. When you try to execute five simple activities successfully every day, you will be able to act on 120 small tasks per month and 1440 tasks per year. These small incremental wins lead you to a better level, if you can persistent about how best you can do each time. Imagine how your life would transform if you prioritize top five tasks in your to do list and work on it from 9 am to 12 noon with out any disturbance? Take a test for a week, follow this technique for a week, challenge yourself to preview your productivity before you install this new habit.
5. Do activities that demand rewinding your neurons: Yes. most of our activities in the life are habitual. Small things such as how we comb, take bath, how we eat, what we choose to be with to how we respond to a business challenge or life challenge, everything is influenced by the habits that we install everyday. Even though we are aware of better choice instead of dis empowering habit, we tend to follow old patterns of thinking and habits. So to make you work beyond the control of your habits, your nerves must learn to think beyond your comfort zones, your actions must lead beyond your boundaries including those area that you feel fearful or confident. These activities of stretching beyond your regular comfort level helps you develop a habit of doing things that empower you even thought that's not part of your daily life. Break your chains, stretch more, think more effectively, act beyond your wildest dreams in launching your dreams.
6. Create a productive environment. We live in a world of lot of distractions. If not managed effectively, face book, twitter, emails, internet browsing can take off your time and energy with less productive and useless activities. Clarity (What to do) and focus (How many times, how much to do) are the essential keys for improving productivity. Make a commitment to work on your five most important goals from 9 am to 12 noon with out any disturbance. You can even work without disturbance with meaningful breaks in executing work in 90 minute - chunks. It takes at least 20 minutes to refocus on your activity if you are distracted once. So be focused and stay away from the distractions to become a distribution channel of super productivity.
7. Rest, relax and refresh: It not in the moments of overwhelming actions that we produce best results. It is when you are relaxed you can tap the most powerful gifts of your life and produce better results. It is found that the people and organisations working 5-day a week are producing much better results than those work six days in a week. The reason is simple when you rest well, you can come back to your work not with
have -to -do attitude but
how -to -do better attitude. When you rest a lot, take refreshing attitude towards your tasks to produce better results. So do things that resonate with you in relaxing your mind. It can be anything such as spending lovely moments with family members or friends, singing, listening music, going to a deep tissue massage, taking a shower, walking in woods, watching birds, attending a musical concert, yoga, dance, painting etc.
8. Develop productivity habits. Develop productive habits instead beyond your comfort zones without stressing your self. Organize and use your resources and time effectively. To achieve excellence in productivity, you must celebrate doing things that 90% people don't want to do. Because 10% successful people are not different than 90% of population, they just do small things that other don't want to do. They get up early, do physical exercise to take of their body and soul, eat consciously, prioritize their work, be focused on executing their tasks and learn from mistakes to achieve what they want.
9. Check your life priorities: Unless you feel sensible about your actions, you can not produce the results with quality in time. The way you are occupied in your day decides the way you optimize your life energy. If you are occupied with meaningful work, you can bring more focus and life energy into your tasks and results and hence there will be increased productivity. So do check your life mission, life purpose, life goals and your current activities.
10. You are a great leader. Why think about mere living a life. Design your life with activities you want. Irrespective of your current situation, educational back ground, country you live, caste, color or sex, you can design your life and lead to excellence. You are the leader in your life. How you lead will change when you take 100% responsibility of your life. Stop claiming on others for what your life is, instead start leading your life. Don't be a victim, become a winner of your life. Whatever your current life is , seize the moment to shape your life. Wonderful life is all about taking one better choice. Take a choice, lead a life towards excellence :)
Following is the article published in Psychology Today (Telugu magazine) in October 2013 issue on improving productivity.