Tuesday, 31 December 2013

ఎక్స్ లెన్స్ సాధించండి - Achieve Excellence : A Comprehensive Book on Producing Results You Want

To help you create a life you want right now, to produce results you want, to realize your biggest dreams, I have developed a power packed Telugu book "EXCELLENCE SAADHINCHANDI". With fair experience as a Life Coach, Trainer, Columnist, I humbly share one of my best works through this book. This book offers you wisdom on principles of life excellence. We are also offering a FREE copy of separate Excellence "SAADHINCAHNDI - SHIKSHANA DEEPIKA ", an exercise book that helps you to apply principles in your life. 

This book is not only for just motivation, it is to bring real time positive changes through systematic exercises, techniques and strategies that one can apply in her/his life. Great to share that many of friends and followers from FB also ordered in bulk copies to gift to their friends because they understood the value of the book. The value of the book is priceless and the cost is just Rs 130 (Main book of 157 pages and workbook with 87 pages). Please find attached cover page of my book and let me know your feedback. Read this book, share this post, let the word spread beyond the book, but to help other achieve excellence. If you are giving a new year gift to some one, I promise you this is the most wonderful gift that you can give it to your friends and family members you could ever give. For copies, please feel free to call us or send an email.



Sunday, 10 November 2013


Dear Friends,
Each time you meet any one of the following FIVE  friends in your life,ensure following steps: 1. Learn ONE LESSON 2. Take ONE MOMENT to reflect on your friend3. Make ONE DECISION to positively change the situation4. Thank your friend ONE SECOND for showing up in your life to alert and equip you much better for great work in future5. Implement ONE STRATEGY from different alternatives to change your resultsYour friends are FAILURE, STRESS, FRUSTRATION, CHALLENGE, CRITICISM. 
These are the true friends of any one's life, if s/he can learn ONE LESSON from EACH ONE whenever we meet them.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Producing The Results You Want

Hi Friends,
Hope you are leading your life with full energy and confidence in celebration. Hope you are enjoying your career and family life while contributing with your unique services, products and talents.
Here is an article about producing the results you want. Three things we must understand to produce the results you want.

1. You have the power - The life energy, the unique talent, the ability to take action in celebration of every situation in life.
2. Excellence is your birth right - Whatever you see in this creation is what the source of your creation too. You were born with universal powers and life energy. You have the right to claim your birth right, show play your best, lead the moments at your fullest.
3. You can be trained to create excellence - Life has changed in many facets. Every person around the globe are able to create the life of their dreams using the fast technology, scientific innovations. This is the most advanced and wonderful time to live in this planet. Most of the innovations make the life more beautiful and simple. Now we are witnessing the miraculous works done by physically and mentally challenged (in my words functionally geniuses). All those great winners, magnificent innovators, creative leaders, role models have the same body and mind that you have. If we can train your body and mind in the way those result-producers use, you can create wonderful results you want.

What results you want?
Better score in exams, getting through an  interview, winning  a game, getting a promotion, creating wealth, buy a dream home, finding a life partner, teach your children life skills, managing your emotions, practice regular physical exercise, develop new business, nurture relationships, enhance network....the list goes on. What results you want?
Based on your age, sex, family back ground, socioeconomic conditions, experiences in life, kind of environment you expose to, kind of people you spend time with, you seek results in your life. Writer of "Chicken soup for the soul series" , Mr Jack says " Many people almost ask the same kind of results with little variation". 
To produce the results you want, you must understand the four most important points:
1. Recognize and appreciate the results that you are already producing. Don't see your life from lack while you want to produce something. Instead, expect from the satisfaction of what you are already enjoying, what you already receiving in life
2. There are people who produced similar results. What ever you want to produce, there are already some people from whom you can learn some clues of excellence. Meet those role models, winners. If at all you want to create a complete new thing that this world don't know at all, learn from the creators of some thing else who are already created some greatest innovations in the history. You can sense some really useful lessons.
3. Life is much valuable than success and failure. Don't get trapped by using words like success of failure to your results. See the results of your life as just results to your efforts. Being a winner is psychological journey. Achieving excellence is not a destination, it is a journey of life. Hence see your life beyond your current results, your success or failure. Look at life from the spirit of excellence, a level where you find the results as only results, results as a useful feed back and life is blessed with wholeness of celebration at your fullest.
4. To change the results, you must change your efforts. If you want to produce the results, you must take the efforts. If you are not getting the results you with your efforts, you must change the efforts. The kind of planning, action and thinking patterns that have got you to this situation can not bring the kind of results that you are looking for. Be open to make shifts, flexible to take action to get what you want. 
Excellence is all about working on fundamentals with focus and develop habit of winning through learning. 

Hope this article on producing results would help you to produce the greatest results you want in your life.

(Telugu version of this article published in Psychology Today, November 2013 edition)

Monday, 28 October 2013


Take ONE MINUTE to thank everything that you are blessed with.

Thank your parents for giving you this wonderful birth,
Thank you every part of your body for great functioning ,
Thank every thought you get for manifesting your actions,
Thank every moment you spend for giving the gift of experiencing this miracle of universe ,
Thank your ability to do many activities in your life including taking breath.
Saying thanks in true sense helps you to explore essence of life :)

I thank all of you my friends :)

Saturday, 26 October 2013


The Power of ONE: 1
Let us start our day with ONE MINUTE in silence, 
Let us share ONE SMILE to every one we come across,
Let us show ONE APPRECIATION for those who did well,
Let us ENCOURAGE ONE ACTIVITY that people tried,
Let us INSPIRE ONE MINUTE , those who are in need,
Let us shower our LOVE FOR ONE MOMENT,
Let us forgive ONE MISTAKE that people do,
Let us challenge ONE FEAR that we hold,
Let us take ONE STEP towards our wildest dreams,
Let us talk to ONE FRIEND that we have in our life,
Let us practice this ONE PRINCIPLE for ONE LIFE 

Friends can you practice this for one week? 

Imagine what could be the results? 
Have a fantastic day of excellence.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Factor Of Miracles

The Factor Of Miracles 

Some people start their life with all adversities still achieve excellence while enjoying every moment of life. Others start their life with abundance, all physical and social support and achieve great success. Others have everything and can not achieve anything. Some make what they want. Some break themselves and others. 

What is the miracle behind it? Why can't everyone enjoy progressive life?

Beyond mind, body, spirit or soul, every thing we can see, hear, feel, taste and smell there is some thing which is the source of all creation. If we keep understanding the sensations in body, intuitions of mind, joyful expression of mind, spirit of being in various situations of life, there are miraculous messages waiting to be heard. Life is waiting to unfold to manifest your intentions in the field of pure potentiality. This can be done with your thoughts, intentions, attention and expectation in consciousness focus. This pure potentiality is what creates everything, everywhere anytime. This is the factor of miracles 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Get More In Less Time - The 10-Steps To World Class Productivity

Take your life to the most miraculous journey you would ever imagine. Get the more done in less time. Movers and shakers of this world, innovators, leaders, the legend performers of the world, you and me all are having the same number of hours per day. World class productivity is available for all of us. We just need to take time to make choices, the actions that lead us to ultimate productivity level.

Here are the 10 simple yet powerful practices of most of people with great productivity. Follow these 10 fundamental steps to unleash the power and productivity in you, add more value to your hours and life.

1. Get up early. Really , it's a wonderful technique to follow. If you wake up one hour early in the morning, you can almost enjoy one additional working day in a week. Imagine, how your life would transform if you can add at least six working hours a week? Join those people who enjoy the fresh breath, wonderful sunny morning and do the fantastic work on most important aspects of the life. This habit not only add time but also energizes your mind and body.

2. Do physical exercise. Be it walking, jogging, running, swimming, going to gym, asanas or any other form of exercise, do it regularly at least for 30 minutes.   Movement of body bring moments of celebration for mind, when you do at right time in right manner. Exercise not only brings fitness and physical health, but also helps in better metabolism and relaxes your mind. How would you feel if you are totally healthy, happy, vibrant and energetic? The way you start your day defines the way you shape your future.

3. Positive visualization and affirmations: Your mind will take most of information through sounds and images. Most of these impressions  impact your mind and life subconsciously. So write down your important goals as if you are achieving them in simple sentences in positive frame and read (loudly or silently) each statement five times every morning and contemplate those thoughts during the day at least for five times. You can develop such affirmations on whatever result you would like to produce in your life.

Sit comfortably in a chair or on floor closing your eyes. Take five slow long breaths observing the inflow and out flow of your breath. Imagine your efforts and goals as if you have already achieved. Your mind take this as if it is really happening and can't make any difference between visualization and reality. This visualization subconsciously helps in manifesting what you want because the mind is frequently exposed to those images of expected results.

4. Set five goals daily. Every day set at least five goals in line with your monthly and yearly goals. When you try to execute five simple activities successfully every day, you will be able to act on 120 small tasks per month and 1440 tasks per year. These small incremental wins lead you to a better level, if you can persistent about how best you can do each time. Imagine how your life would transform if you prioritize top five tasks in your to do list and work on it from 9 am to 12 noon with out any disturbance? Take a test for a week, follow this technique for a week, challenge yourself to preview your productivity before you install  this new habit.

5. Do activities that demand rewinding your neurons: Yes. most of our activities in the life are habitual. Small things such as how we comb, take bath, how we eat, what we choose to be with to how we respond to a business challenge or life challenge, everything is influenced by the habits that we install everyday. Even though we are aware of better choice instead of dis empowering habit, we tend to follow old patterns of thinking and habits. So to make you work beyond the control of your habits, your nerves must learn to think beyond your comfort zones, your actions must lead beyond your boundaries including those area that you feel fearful or confident. These activities of stretching beyond your regular comfort level helps you develop a habit of doing things that empower you even thought that's not part of your daily life. Break your chains, stretch more, think more effectively, act beyond your wildest dreams in launching your dreams.

6. Create a productive environment. We live in a world of lot of distractions. If not managed effectively, face book, twitter, emails, internet browsing can take off your time and energy with less productive and useless activities. Clarity (What to do) and focus (How many times, how much to do) are the essential keys for improving productivity. Make a commitment to work on your five most important goals from 9 am to 12 noon with out any disturbance. You can even work without disturbance with meaningful breaks in executing work in 90 minute - chunks. It takes at least 20 minutes to refocus on your activity if you are distracted once. So be focused and stay away from the distractions to become a distribution channel of super productivity.

7. Rest, relax and refresh: It not in the moments of overwhelming actions that we produce best results. It is when you are relaxed you can tap the most powerful gifts of your life and produce better results. It is found that the people and organisations working 5-day a week are producing much better results than those work six days in a week. The reason is simple when you rest well, you can come back to your work not with  have -to -do attitude but how -to -do better attitude. When you rest a lot, take refreshing attitude towards your tasks to produce better results. So do things that resonate with you in relaxing your mind. It can be anything such as spending lovely moments with family members or friends, singing, listening music, going to a deep tissue massage, taking a shower, walking in woods, watching birds, attending a musical concert, yoga, dance, painting etc.

8. Develop productivity habits. Develop productive habits instead beyond your comfort zones without stressing your self. Organize and use your resources and time effectively. To achieve excellence in productivity, you must celebrate doing things that 90% people don't want to do. Because 10% successful people are not different than 90% of population, they just do small things that other don't want to do. They get up early, do physical exercise to take of their body and soul, eat consciously, prioritize their work, be focused on executing their tasks and learn from mistakes to achieve what they want.

9. Check your life priorities: Unless you feel sensible about your actions, you can not produce the results with quality in time. The way you are occupied in your day decides the way you optimize your life energy. If you are occupied with meaningful work, you can bring more focus and life energy into your tasks and results and hence there will be increased productivity. So do check your life mission, life purpose, life goals and your current activities.

10. You are a great leader. Why think about mere living a life. Design your life with activities you want. Irrespective of your current situation, educational back ground, country you live, caste, color or sex, you can design your life and lead to excellence. You are the leader in your life. How you lead will change when you take 100% responsibility of your life. Stop claiming on others for what your life is, instead start leading your life. Don't be a victim, become a winner of your life. Whatever your current life is , seize the moment to shape your life. Wonderful life is all about taking one better choice. Take a choice, lead a life towards excellence :)

Following is the article published in Psychology Today (Telugu magazine) in October 2013 issue on improving productivity.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Score your successes: 3 - Powerful techniques to accelerate your confidence

Score your successes: 3 - Powerful techniques to accelerate your confidence

Remember to record your successes. Review your successes much often than failures. Everyday make a note of recollecting three small WINS of the day. Be it small or big, count your successes and celebrate the moments of success. When you think about your successes, your mind and body is filled with power and positive energy. This habit of recollecting successes, celebrating small wins on daily basis, reinforced positive results will help one to focus on goals with enhanced focus and optimal confidence and self esteem. 

Three simple techniques to score your successes:
Technique 1: Nine Successes
Divide your age into three timelines. Write three major successes that you achieved in that period for each time line. Example: If your age is 33 years, your can divide in to following are three time lines:1-11 years, 12-21 years, 22-33 years

Technique 2:  One Hundred Successes (Century of Successes)
Write one hundred successes that you achieved in your life till now. Yes. Write one hundred successes. Be it small or big. Write and read that wonderful list. You will literally enjoy the feeling of increased self esteem.

Technique 3: Success Symbols 
Create a success resembling environment. Keep all your mementos, photos of your successful days, medals, certificates, trophies, recognition presentations in your environment to remind you that you are a winner. This will elevate your feeling for achieving more and enjoy celebrations

You create your life with your thoughts :)

Monday, 29 July 2013

What do you want in this moment in your life?

Hi...Hope you all are enjoying the best time in your life with outstanding results at work and peace in family :).

What do you want in this moment in your life?
1. Enjoy sense of inner strength, meaning, belonging and fulfillment in life. 
2. Charged by passion, innate talents, unfolded energy levels irrespective of situations in your life
3. Gain the single, powerful direction and focus for your life with razor sharp guidance in life’s choices, decisions and actions.
4. Enjoy freedom to choose the people you want in your life, the places you love spend your time, the kind of conversations you want to make, work, things and all that need for a celebrating life.

....if your answer is yes for any of the above questions, please do find your purpose (Read Discover your life purpose article in this blogand develop positive life habits. 
For most of the people life is driven by our habits rather than conscious living; driven by environment rather than by life purpose. Discover your purpose, develop purposeful habits :)

To help you professionally to achieve what you want in this moment, please contact me at newlife.chandra@gmail.com :)
Find your passion, live in excellence !

Friday, 21 June 2013

Discover Your Life Purpose

“To totally immerse yourself in situations that interest you and to explore the inner experiences – the thoughts, feelings, learning, and growth that result.”Robert Scheinfeld

“To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity” - Friedrich Nietzsche

There are many different techniques that can help us to identify and live our life purpose. How can I tell how you can find your purpose in life. I only tell the processes that I have applied for myself and found useful, those that my clients found useful. You can select your own process for finding from the different techniques mentioned below or you can even think to get much better process in the sphere of pure potentiality. I believe if I can do with my mind and through thinking and learning and create or share a process for effectively to identify your purpose, you can also use your mind and get much better results using your own unique ways of experiencing and such process (sometimes may be at a better level) 

  • Connecting with yourself: Keep writing all the things that you want in your life till you get along all materialistic things (home, car, dresses, favourite personal items, gadgets, own company, own business, promotion, money, things that show you are wealthy etc.,); emotional needs (love, satisfaction, good relationship with family or friends or society, confidence, stability, perseverance, motivation, psychological support etc.,) to see a timeless symphony with the space /universe even after your death or conscious life. Keep writing as much as you can till you cry with some realisation, till you get the moment that makes you feel enlightened.

The following are the simple steps to do this exercise:
1.    Find a place where you can sit and write the most important activity in your life that can give you a better level of understanding about your life.
2.    Take blank white sheets or papers or your personal journal, pen. If you are comfortable working on computer system for writing, please use word processor
3.    Write “What is my life purpose” on the top of the paper.
4.    Start answering this question with all thoughts that pop in your mind. You need not to worry about what language you use, whether you are writing full sentence or phrase. Just keep writing all answers that pop in. Keep asking same question at the end of every answer. You can keep writing as many pages as you get without any dilemma. Get all your thoughts flow through process.
5.    Continue writing answers to this question until you reach a statement that makes you cry
  • The second technique is finding the life purpose with a quick yet thoughtful activity suggested by Arnold M. Patent, Spiritual Coach and author of You Can Have It All.
1.    List two of your personal qualities such as passion and energy
2.    List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to train and to empower   
3.    Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world is look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer as a statement, in the present tense, describing the ultimate condition, the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect is fun place to be.
Example: The entire universe is bright as a whole oneness, with high energy and people are loving, caring and enjoying their fullest, expressing their true self and unique talents, celebrating the harmony with every living and non living being in this world.
4.    Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement
My purpose is to use my passion and energy to train and empower people to enjoy high life energy at their fullest, expressing their true self and talents and celebrate harmony with living and non living elements of this world 

  • The third technique is to find common activities that you love indulge in as a human being in the following three different scenarios given below:
1.    What will you do if you are given 1000 million dollars of money and freedom to use as you want? What do you love to do then? Whom do you meet? Whom do you spend time with? Where you live? What do you have in your environment?
2.    If you know that you will die within 48 hours, what all things that you love to do, have, feel, experience in your life?
3.    If you know that you will definitely succeed in your life, what all things that you love to do, have, feel, experience in your life? 
Your reflections to these three scenarios will help you elicit the best idea of your current situation, your most important responsibilities and also your dreams. If you involve in the process deeply in connection with your mortality you will also get some ideas about what is the meaning of life in your terms which can help you define your own purpose.

I appreciate your time and energy spent in reading this article. Hope this information is useful in discovering your purpose. Please get back to me for any additional information or support. I love to help you and your loved ones to achieve wonderful results in personal and professional life.

Find your passion. Live in EXCELLENCE.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Living Your Life Purpose !!!

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it” 

 Gautama Buddha

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction” - John F. Kennedy

This article tries to give you some insights to understand  or to help you to progressively think  the concepts mentioned below: 

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What is life?
What is purpose?
What is life purpose?
Why should live my life purpose?

Who am I? 
Common answer flashes in our mind gives name, full name, title, role in family, role in society. Irrespective of these all answers, you still have a lot to say, think and discuss. This question makes you to get identified by something and give answers such as name, designation, role, profession etc. The very nature of this question is to questioning nature. This is common question that people may ask while wondering about human existence. This kind of questions may lead to many answers and each answer made up with the impressions on one’s mind by parents, life situations, teachers, school environment, friends, culture, media, other people, country and society at a large. In this article let us just refer ourselves as human beings instead of identified by our names, last names, family names, caste, nationality, colour, religion. Since the best name that we can give (as per my understanding right now) is to call a creature like you and me is HUMAN BEING.
Why am I here?
I am here to do many things.
·         To prove myself and my strength
·         To create a better society by my training and coaching work
·         To take care of my family and friends
·         To support and help people in possible ways
·         To build home, enjoy luxury vehicles, create best places for my family and friends
·         To create a better company, wrote books, develop audio video programs
·         To serve for the plants, animals, human beings
  • To leave this world a better place than earlier
These may be answers. Based on the world that you have seen and life you experienced, age you are in, kind of environment and other conditions of life, you get your own list of answers. Don’t worry about what you answers you get too much. Look at this scenario. There are around thousands of creatures and 700+ crores of human beings on this planet. Crores of might have already in the past and crores of people will be born in future. It is the nature that creates. That means everyone is created (birth), by eating food we are accumulating this body (live and develop body), then at some age we die (death). What happens to our body when we die? There must be an energy by natures creation in creating us, all of us including creataures, animals, birds, plants are a forms of the energy in a unique way. When we die, the creations energy might have gone into some other form and all that we developed (body through eating food) only remain. Anyway the surprising, exciting, great process of this universal creation is great expression. In such case , why to worry about why am I here. When we are here we are a an energy in human being form. With this understanding why don’t we use this life energy when we are alive? Can we make this life more meaningful, fruitful and joyful for all of us instead wondering why we are here?

What is life?
Life is an expression of energy in a specific form within specific time.
That expression can be a natural dynamics happening in the environment, creating a living being, making shifts in the universe through various energy transformations. Here the form refers to human being, bird, animal or any creature. When life is created (something is born), energy is taken in a form and when that living being is died energy takes different form. The time between the creation and death is called life. End of the life (when we die) is also considered as an energy transformation. Again there is a question that positively moves us all. When there are around thousands of millions of creatures in this world and we are fortunately a living beings who can control, understand and think what we want and do what we love, why don’t we use this life energy to pursue of ultimate purpose of life?

What is life purpose?
Life purpose is the driving force of human existence. Acting on your life purpose enables a you to express your life energy, ultimate love and innate potential to serve the deepest needs including certainty, joy, peace, growth, security, adventures. Purpose is not just like fuel for motor cycle it is life energy like oxygen for human life cycle. Your purpose gives value clarity, big picture of life, peace and balance between current responsibilities and dream life. If you live with conscious understanding of your purpose, the activities of your life can also serve your unconscious needs enabling you progress much better. one operates at the at the level of life purpose, he can work beyond the mediocre life such as earning money, getting recognition, having luxuries while appreciating the value of life, people and services.

How to find whether you have a life purpose now?
If you are living a most celebrating life you have ever known irrespective of your life situations, if you get up every morning as an expression of your life energy, if you feel you are living with love, passion, exuberance, energy, and excellence; you are living your real purpose.

Why should you have a life purpose?
Some people may think I am not worried about having a purpose. These kinds of people may say

·          I don’t care about having a purpose

·         Anyway life may turn based on situations and we cannot except what happens next 

·         Life is meaningless. There is no point in trying to assign a meaning

·         Only great people like Mahathma Gandhi, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Edison, Oprah Winfrey have purpose and we are normal human beings and we cannot or need not to have purpose

·         Let me try to enjoy my days as I want or get a job or get some money then I will work on my purpose


What do you think about these statements? These are all beliefs that one might have developed through social conditioning. Imagine a life of those who live their purpose and those who don’t even realise the value of life and purpose lived for some time. Imagine two people born in same conditions and lived for same number of years. Whom do you think would have celebrated the life at fullest in inner and outer world? You can even take examples of those whom you can observe in your own community and those you may come across with your life. Who do you think make a living and who celebrated a life?


Look at the people around you. Have you ever known people who truly, really feel like they are alive? Those with a great smile on face, a great energy aura surrounding their presence, bright, widen and sparkling eyes, make intelligent quality conversations with exciting and inspiring words all the time. These are the people passionate about their life purpose and the purpose is their DNA, oxygen and obsession.

On the other hand, there are some people who takes life as it come, unaware or unidentified with their life purpose, pseudo-satisfied with what they get in life, indulge in negative thinking,  complaining, and dissatisfaction. These people face look dull, with less or no brightness in eyes, low energy levels and talk mediocre or disempowering words.

What kind of life are you living now? What kind of life you want to spend throughout your life?
If you are not living the life you want, you must be living the life that society wants for you. Would you like to live entire life disconnected to what your real life meant to be?  As long as you don’t have clarity on what your life purpose is, chances are you are living the purpose imposed by the society. What option you choose? Invest your life energy aimlessly as most of the people in this world do or living the life purpose. Would you want life to be decided by experiences or you want to decide and experiences of your life?  

The benefits of finding and living your life purpose:


1.    You can enjoy sense of inner strength, meaning, belongingness and fulfillment in life. Instead of wasting time, questioning why life is like that, you can make the best use of your life energy. The power of managing your life energy in purpose bring ultimate fulfillment.

2.    You will be charged by passion, innate talents, unfolded energy level based on the situations in life, you will start thinking positively and progress towards life irrespective of life situations.

3.    You can gain the single, powerful direction and focus for your life like as a radar that guides you through your life’s choices, decisions and actions. You also will understand those areas that can unnecessary take you off from your life purpose and hence will have a greater freedom to choose to not to indulge in things that don’t matter for you.

4.    You can enjoy freedom and freely select what you want for your life. The people you want in your life, the places you love spend your time, the kind of conversations you want to make, work, things and all that need for a celebrating life.

5.    You will get clarity and  it instantly gives you clear direction. Your mind can make a difference between what that’s most important and what not. You’ll be in relationships that match what you want. You’ll take on projects and actions that are in accordance with what you want. It’s the start toward living a life of your highest alignment.

6.    In the process of passionately living your purpose leads you to achieve excellence. Like joining in play school at the age of three, joining in LKG when we are five, getting married and produce children; society or our culture has not talked anything about achieving excellence through purpose in a formal way or as a way of lifestyle such as adopting to use of cell phones, computers and internet. Still making the way forward and getting schedules and actions with the activities in line with your purpose makes you an energy in action. Purpose serves as a vision and mission of the company. It works as inbuilt operating system with life time warranty for human system.